Why not get this party started with a Gold Rush? Make your celebrations even more eventful by treating yourself and your guests to this unique spirited cocktail, a mingling of honey, bourbon, and a sour twist of lemon. If you are a fan of bourbon, you'll love this fantastic combination!
Easy | Beverage | Holiday | Serves 1
Gold Rush Bourbon Cocktail
2 parts Maker’s Mark® Bourbon
¾ part honey syrup
¾ part fresh squeezed lemon juice
lemon wedge for garnish
Honey Syrup
2 parts honey
1 part hot water
Add Maker’s Mark Bourbon, lemon juice and honey syrup to an ice-filled shaker. Give it a good shake. Strain over ice into rocks glass. Garnish with lemon wedge.
Serves: 1 serving
Prep Time: 5 minutes